Friday, September 12, 2008

Peach Danish with Lemon Glaze

peach danish

The other night, we skipped dinner and decided to make a peach danish instead. The pastry recipe is from the New Farm Vegetarian Cookbook and is pretty awesome. Ours didn't turn out perfectly, I think we failed to fold it enough times to fully laminate it, yet still managed to overhandle it. I also failed to make enough filling. I used half a bag of frozen peaches, cooked with sugar and cinnamon and pulsed a few times in the Vita-Mix, but I really should have used at least a whole bag. All that aside, it was still incredibly delicious. So, even if you know you'll screw it up, this recipe (and New Farm, in general) is highly recommended.


jessy said...

ohhhhhhhh! your danish looks awesome! and you're a helluva lot more brave than i am - i have yet to make any danishes 'cause they intimidate the hell outta me. we do own the new farm vegetarian cookbook, although i haven't made much from it. looks like i might be making some danishes soon! wahooooooo!

Anonymous said...

laminated dough is really challenging, but it tastes really good! I think your danish looks gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Peach danish for dinner sounds awesome. I am sad that peach season will be over in a week or so. They stop selling them at the farmers market next weekend.