Tuesday, April 10, 2007

No More Dairy, No More Eggs

Mason's grandfather died, so posting--and everything else--was put on hold last week while we spent 7 days in Oklahoma with his family. The (only) good news is that those 7 days were completely dairy and egg free (and meat free, of course)! Actually, we've been completely off dairy and eggs for 10 days now. We haven't bought eggs in almost a year, but we were still buying cookies, etc. that were made with eggs. We've used soy milk for a little over 5 years now, but were still cheese addicts. We basically weened ourselves off of both while i was sick, and finished off all of the dairy in the house so that we could be completely dairy free starting April 1. It's been so much easier than I ever could have imagined! I was really expecting a struggle, but the only slight snag was finding something to eat at my grandmother's house (canned pineapple and fritos--not exactly healthy, I know). Honestly, I feel so much better already. And Mason and I both dropped about 5 pounds in the first week. The most positive change, in my opinion, is that it rules out a lot of processed/packaged foods. We're forced to cook with more "whole" foods, which are generally so much healthier.
Bonus: Our grocery bill went down about $25 this week--cheese is expensive!


Alisa said...

Congratulations! I stumbled across your blog while doing my weekly research on the old dairy-free topic for our website. It is always great to hear a success story!

megan said...

Thanks! It's been almost a month now, and I feel better than I've felt my entire life.