Friday, May 4, 2007

It's Not The Heat...

Today was Mason's day off. Tired of watching movies, we decided to ride down to Grand and Beacon to the Ladies of Charity Thrift Store. We didn't find anything, but we went across the street to Super 99 Cent Happy Store and bought an excellent Mother's Day gift for Mason's mom. We've completely stopped making frivolous purchases in the last few months, but this was so amazing that we had to buy it for the only person we knew who could possibly appreciate it. It was extremely humid, so we stopped at Kalachandji's on the way back for tamarind tea, but the restaurant was closed. We got a bottle of root beer from the gift shop instead and loitered under a tree outside the chapel procrastinating the sweltering trip home.

Gas Challenge Update:
Mason has driven a total of 4 times in the last 11 days; I've ridden in the car once. We still have half a tank of gas to last us until May 23rd. We're hoping to take a challenge break after that, so that we can make a trip to OK to see our families the first weekend in June. Then, we are going to have a 30 days Car Free Challenge.

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