Saturday, March 8, 2008

(not very) Cheezy Bread

nut yeast bread
yeah, I know...I promise to make a wheat loaf next week...

I baked another loaf of bread today. This time, I spread the rolled out dough with Earth Balance and nutritional yeast. The slices don't really hold together as well with the margarine and it's not all that "cheezy", but it still tastes great. Next time, I'm going to try kneading in some nut. yeast and herbs instead of spreading it on so that we can use it for sandwiches. I've changed the big bread recipe and methods, so I'm going to work on a post with photos of the way that I make it.

1 comment:

Vegan_Noodle said...

It's like you're bread is already buttered!! I would have never thought to do that! Definitely share your results with the herbs...